Stuck on alter ego game
Stuck on alter ego game

stuck on alter ego game

'A fate worse than bacon' according to the hilarious instruction booklet. Despite this description, computer games were a lot less violent in the mid eighties: Link is restricted to one sausage shot at a time, and if an egg hits him, he literally turns chicken and takes off. Not only does Link have to dodge deadly eggs the chicks keep hatching on his head, he has destroy the Hen Army before his shooting finger slips between the muck of Cluck (extra points for the mother ship). Gonzo hovers above them in a funky saucer shaped like his head (a design they really should have revisited in 'Muppets from Space'). This segment is not called "Chickenvaders" for nothing. The heroic Captain Link Hogthrob gets the funniest game and the best likeness of the lot, shooting sausages (from his middle finger) at a flock of chickens coming down at him 'Space Invader' style. The piggies appear to be more purple than pink, but in those days the thrill of being able to influence things on your TV screen made us accept the crude images more easily and use the imagination to fill in the blanks. Dodging copyright issues, Gonzo was not allowed to use his Darth Nader alter ego, but still leads an army of evil Space Chickens against our heroic trio. This classic cartridge is a good example: although produced under the Atari's kids games banner, older gamers could enjoy three different games that spoofed some of the industries earliest hits, one for each of the main crew pigs. Before the Henson kids sold their fathers legacy to Disney, Muppet humor was still equally appealing to children and adults alike.

Stuck on alter ego game